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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Allie is 6 months!!!

 My niece is special. She's beautiful and fun, happy and perfect! She's amazing to say the least. She just started crawling and she JUST turned 6 months. She is equal parts my sister and her husband. She has my sister's facial expressions, and the best parts of her attitude. She has her chubby cheeks and deep, huge brown eyes. She has her daddy's smile, and perfect little nose. Not only is she special for all of these reasons but she is also special because she has a rare genetic disorder called Alagille syndrome. Alagilles is a disorder that affects the liverheart, kidney, and other systems of the body. The estimated prevalence of Allie's syndrome is 1 in every 100,000 live births. 

My sister and her husband have had a long two years. After trying for a year to conceive and then having 9 months of rough pregnancy they were finally blessed with, as we call her, 'little bug'. It was 2 months after she was born, that her symptoms of the disorder became apparent. It's been a struggle since then for my sister and her new family of 3 BUT, Allie has the face of an angel. Don't you agree?

Everyday my family prays that the meds help, that she'll gain another pound, that she'll eat her entire bottle infused with her special vitamins...and everyday we pray that for the rest of Allie's life she will continue to have that same smile, that same contagious happiness that has already brightened our lives, that she emanates so gracefully at just 6 months old.

If ever you're feeling weary, think back to reading this. Remember that any journey, any battle is more bearable with a smile. And Allie's is one for the books!!

Can you believe that smile.

"Grandma always puts me in this box."

"I've not decided yet whether I like it or not."

How do you say, I love my dad, he's a baby?

Little bug and her auntie!
Grandpa kisses!! :-*


"Someone help....moms getting me..."

Can we just pause a moment and love on that face, and those eye lashes. Danggg girl!! She's going to need a big brother to fend off all the boys when she starts batting those things!!

Please contact me if you are interested in ways to donate and help Allagille Syndrome research, or Allie.


  1. Oh my goodness! She is so precious! That face is like an angel!

  2. I can't possibly love that little girl anymore!!! These are awesome Mallory!


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