Blog Archive

Monday, July 25, 2011

Newbie, I am.

I've decided to publish a somewhat negative comment on a previous blog post because it's the first "constructive criticism" I've had anyone give me. I only wish it weren't anonymous, so I could thank this person. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I value the effort one puts into sharing it.

However, "know-it-all" is not something I am. The right to give advice doesn't come after a certain number of years in this business. My right to give advice comes from learning from my mistakes, and if someone reads my "advice" and learns from it too, then I have been successful.

If a post about current trends in the industry offends you, whether I wrote it, or someone who has been in the business for years, I'm sorry. I wrote the post because I see trends in photography that I don't like, that I think are trends, and that I choose not use in my work. I never discredit others for trying them out, and specifically acknowledged that I, myself have used several techniques and grown out of them. I want my clients to want for themselves, what I want for them, and for this reason I educate them. I put myself out in the world to be represented truly, and how I am received will produce a positive response from people and prospective clients that have similar tastes as I do. I plan on that.

I have vowed from the beginning of my adventure to be an open book, to be open to the criticisms of anyone willing to share, and to take the good with the bad and grow.

With that said, thank you all for the support and interest in my work. As I continue to grow as a photographer, and a business owner, I grow as a person.

Here are a few posts about trends and techniques and more from AWESOME photographers that I have learned SO much from, these are common names in my household. And my belief is that all of these photographers, and the list is as long as my leg, but this is enough for now, started out just like me, but now, as they are, none of them use the trends I highlighted in my post and they are the people and entities that I look up to, and hope that I have half of the passion and success as they.

MCP Actions:FAD post
A Brides Guide

Jasmine Star (above all)
Kaitlyn James (in my opinion, the West Coast J*)
J&M- Justin and Mary Marantz
Braun Photography (Who I may hire as my wedding photographers)
Matt and Katie
Rebecca Cerasani
Jessica Claire
Jared and Heather of Inlux
Genevieve Nisly, and so many more....

Thanks for reading!!

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