Read Part 1
Part 2:
Thomas Edison had an idea. Martin Luther King had an idea. Their ideas were masterful. A Soldier once had an idea that turned into a a lifetime of service. A husband and wife once had an idea that turned into a family.
I once had an idea, and it turned into something I never thought it could.
I photographed my sister’s beach wedding with a sony cybershot. For those of you who don’t know, that’s a point and shoot. REALLY? That was in August of 2006.
In January of 2010 a friend refered me to a friend which led to me booking my first wedding. OMG. I had NO IDEA what I was doing. It was rough, quick, disorganized, stressful and awkward. The couple was great and they were very pleased, even after the processing was done, they loved everything. But still, we drove home that night feeling like there wasn’t a long enough happy hour in the world to settle our electrified nerves. I didn’t speak for a whole day, my eyebrows were in a constant raised position. My nerves were mangled. I vowed, publically (facebook is as public as it gets!) that we would never shoot a wedding again.
Portrait sessions slowly rolled in and a few more weddings fell in my lap. I was still not where I wanted to be.
And then I found the industry, and photographers who shared their stories and who's words spoke to me like a sermon. Hone your market, focus on the type of photography you love, feature the photographs you want to take. It was that advice that kicked me square in the rearend, it was the uncensored stories and encouragement that made me realize the kind of photographer I could be.
Justin and I shot 13 weddings the first summer we started focusing on weddings. We became a photographers. It took more than 2 years to physically say that out loud.
They are just ideas until you know what to do with them. And there are an abunance of good ideas, that’s not the hard part. The hard part is having the gumption to work hard enough to make your own idea in to something more than that.
If you have an idea, we hope you make it something more. Feed that burning fire!!
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